September 2024-25 Academy Details

You will receive a link to purchase the Academy September 2024-25 Course once your application is reviewed and approved.

Academy tuition is $34.99 per month or one time $349 for the year, saving over $70! Academy tuition increases to $39.99 per month or one time $399 on August 5.

If you are planning to take a group from your church (or similar) through the course, please fill out the form on this page.

Tuition includes access to new videos each week, articles by DV experts, access to a private Facebook group for the class, optional monthly Zoom chats to discuss content, and a certificate at the end of the class. Certification requires watching each video, completing provided reading, and discussing a homework answer within the Facebook group each week.

The Academy is geared toward people helpers seeking to understand how to help someone living in or recovering from domestic abuse. It is particularly helpful for pastors, ministry leaders, church small groups, therapists, social workers, attorneys, counselors, Christian school staff, first responders, mentors, and any Christian involved in helping others at any level. 

If tuition is a hardship for you, please come back when you are more financially free. Another option is to ask your church, friend, or family member to sponsor your tuition. People interested in sponsoring someone can contact [email protected].

If you are looking for a support group to help process past or ongoing abuse, we recommend Leslie Vernick's Conquer programNatalie Hoffman's Flying Free group, or Sarah McDugal's WILD program as some affordable ways to begin this process, with Academy instructors. These groups provide abuse education and individual therapeutic support.

If you've recently left or started processing DV abuse, or are in the middle of legal custody proceedings, we recommend first beginning trauma therapy or a trauma-informed support group like the above, as some of the material can be very triggering, making it difficult to complete the course; consider joining us in a future cohort after that is underway. We recommend waiting two years after your divorce before joining. We believe survivors make some of the best advocates, and we would never want to hinder your healing by pushing you too fast too soon. 

We have scholarships available for our former clients that meet these qualifications. The nature of these discussions can be difficult, therefore, our policy is not to admit current clients because it can be re-traumatizing rather than healing.

You will be contacted once your application is reviewed regarding your status.

Thank you for your heart for the suffering! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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